Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hypocritical Oath

This is a response to the blog titled Connected Educators: Digital Citizenship Survival Kit On the blog site called Techchef4u. Apparently, WordPress does not like me and would not email me my password to actually respond on the blog itself.

Moving on.

Blog Subject: How to live with technology and how to organize your life online. Pretend that your digital existence is another country- this blog post tells you how to be a citizen of that country. Something which I think everyone should learn how to do. Especially those young'uns.

Response: BEST. IDEA. EVER. This should be read by more people. The presentation she gives and the link that are included are the majority of what the blog is made of but within those things is some valuable information.

This brings up the question: When is there too much technology? If students have to learn how to act using technology like they are citizens of another country does that mean we as a society have taken it a step too far? I realize how hypocritical I must sound as I type on my Macbook, text on my iphone and watch tv on my flatpanel HDtv.

My name is DestineyGrace and I am addicted to technology.

          *Not as much as some people, I would like to note*
Nonetheless, I am curious to see if anyone agrees/disagrees or what thoughts are. Hopefully since this blogging assignment is due tomorrow- I'll get some responses.

à beintôt mes amis,

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting question Destiney! I think that there is too much technology in the classroom when the students are learning about how to use the technology more than they are learning about the subject matter that they are supposed to be learning about. Or for example when teachers are fumbling with technology so much it is distracting for the student.

    My mentor teacher has a smart board in his classroom and he said he used it the first year he had it but now he needs an update for it and he doesn't know how to use it. So now we just have a small whiteboard. I am going to try and learn how to use it or at least figure out if having a smart board is helpful. It seems to me that smart boards were a popular fab a few years ago and a lot of schools received grant money for them or something and now a lot of teachers have them but don't know how to use. I think that is exactly when there is too much technology.
